Northeast Oklahoma News Tidbits

Three tidbits of interest to Northeast Oklahomans

Getting Herby
Tulsa Herb Society's Brown Bag program at noon on Thursday August 20th is on Herbal Vinegars. It will be held at the Tulsa Garden Center. I'll be there helping.

Congratulations Kylee Vaughan
We are proud announce that a 5th grade student from northeast Oklahoma is a First Place National Winner in the Smokey Bear Woodsy Owl poster contest. Kylee Vaughan's poster stood out in a sea of 17,000 entries.
Samilou Smith, art teacher for K through 8th grade at Maryetta Public Schools in Adair County, near Stillwell OK, encouraged her students to enter their posters.
You can click here to see all the winning entries.

Adult Education
Connors State College Horticulture Director is offering evening fall classes.
Cacti and Succulents begins Tues. Sept. 6
Tropical plants begins Tuesday, Oct. 6
Each class meets in Warner one night a week for five weeks from 6 to 8:40 p.m
Instructor Debby Golden 918.463.6265
Enrollment Sonya Baker 918.4636300
65 or older tuition waived Brandi Gunn 918.463.6309

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